Rules and Regulations
- All students of The School of the Good Shepherd should uphold their personal dignity and the honor of their school and distinguish themselves with their character and conduct inside and outside the school.
- The school is committed to train students in good manners and desirable personal traits like politeness, humility, honesty, readiness to serve others and integrity in word and deed. We expect the guardians to help develop these qualities in their wards by being good models. Let the children realize that good manners make them lovable and acceptable, ultimately making them successful in life.
- Students should be punctual in attending the school. Those who travel by their own vehicles should reach the school before 8 in the morning.
- Students should respect their teachers. When the teachers enter the class they should stand and greet them politely and sit only after the teacher tells to do so. When the teacher leaves the class all the students shall stand up and say politely, “Thank you, Madam or Sir” and will sit after the teacher has left.
- Students should always maintain strict silence in the class. As soon as they arrive at the school they should go to their classes and take their seats and remain there without running about inside or outside the class.
- Students shall walk in strict silence in a line keeping left whenever they walk through the verandah or use the steps. They should never run.
- Students shall not bring to the school sharp instruments, playthings, books or pictures other than what is necessary for their studies. They are not permitted to exchange CDs, pen drive or i-pods. Do not bring electronic gadgets, money or cell phones or calculators.
- Students are prohibited from wearing any kind of gold ornaments or fancy junk ornaments when they come to school.
- Students should be dressed very neatly in full uniform.
- Students have no right to hurt others mentally or physically. Disciplinary action will be initiated against those who disobey the rules.
- Those who misbehave in the bus will lose the facility to travel by the school bus .
- Students should participate in all co-curricular activities of the school including physical education.
- Students are not permitted to visit other classes even during intervals.
- Students should always communicate in English among themselves and to the teachers.
- Students are prohibited from bringing two – wheelers to the School.
THE CLASS LEADERS will see that:
- The furniture in the class is properly arranged, the black board and the class room are clean always.
- The class leaders shall look after the class and maintain strict silence whenever teachers are not in the class.
- Students should follow the instructions given by the class leaders or other student leaders appointed by the Principal.
- The class leaders shall help the teachers to lead the students to the school assembly, laboratory, play ground, library and when the students are taken to board the bus.
- The class leaders shall always wear their badges.